Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Lots of people who want to write well, maybe it's for work done or for those of you who worked as a journalist.

Firstly, you need to understand the key terms and concepts of the topic. In addition, you need to be sure of what the assignment is asking you to do. The words listed below are “directives” and ask you to answer, or present information, in a particular way. Review these, and most of all note that there are different ways of answering a question or writing an assignment.

1. Compare:
Examine qualities, or characteristics, to discover resemblances. “Compare” is usually stated as “compare with”: you are to emphasize similarities, although differences may be mentioned.

2. Contrast:
Stress dissimilarities, differences, or unlikeness of things, qualities, events, or problems.

3. Criticize
Express your judgment or correctness or merit. Discuss the limitations and good points or contributions of the plan or work in question.

4. Define:
Definitions call for concise, clear, authoritative meanings. Details are not required but limitations of the definition should be briefly cited. You must keep in mind the class to which a thing belongs and whatever differentiates the particular object from all others in the class.

5. Describe:
In a descriptive answer you should recount, characterize, sketch or relate in narrative form.

If you need more accurate information about this topic,
please contact us at: assignment help


liana said...

i would like to write by my conffidence, i think it's good for me ... thx for this..;)

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good news !!!

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